გერმანელები საქართველოში



Statement of the Council of Religions under the auspices of the Public Defender regarding Religious Intolerance in Adigeni

We, the member religious organizations of the Council of Religions under the auspices of the Public Defender, express our concern regarding the recent attack on, and intolerance and insults directed towards, the Muslim congregation gathered for prayer in Adigeni.


The fundamental principles of freedom of religion and belief must be safeguarded in Georgia. Beyond the grounds outlined in the constitution for limiting this right, no individual should be impeded from gathering, conducting prayers, participating in rituals, or engaging in religious teachings.


In the municipality of Adigeni, we saw Orthodox clerics offensively attacking and threatening peaceful Muslims on their own property.


We are additionally troubled by the government's apparent efforts to negotiate permission for religious prayer and teaching on private property. This right should be unequivocally guaranteed by the state, as stipulated by the constitution and international agreements. This fundamental issue should not be subject to questioning.


We urge the authorities to take every necessary measure to safeguard one of the most vital aspects of freedom of religion, guaranteed by law: the right to conduct collective prayers and religious gatherings on private property.


We also express hope that relations between religious organizations, clergy, and congregations of different faiths will be founded on respect for freedom of religion, religious ethics, and traditional principles of tolerance.



1. Evangelical Church of Georgia

2. Evangelical-Baptist Church of Georgia

3. Armenian Catholic Church in Georgia

4. Holy Trinity Protestant Church

5. Restored Apostolic Church

6. Supreme Religious Administration of Muslims of all Georgia

7. Evangelical Faith Church of Georgia

8. Georgian Muslims Union

9. Society of Friends – Quakers

10. Bahá'í Society

11. Salvation Army

12. Seventh Day Adventist Church in Georgia

13. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Georgia

14. Redeemed Christian Church of God

15. Evangelical-Protestant Church in Georgia

ჟურნალი სოლიდარობა

ეთნოსები საქართველოში

რელიგიები საქართველოში

დამდეგი დღესასწაული

ებრაული, 21 სექტემბერი

როშ ჰაშანა

ვებ გვერდი შექმნილია გაეროს განვითარების პროგრამის (UNDP) მხარდაჭერით     

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